Getting off the Ground is a Challange
Newer home inspectors face many challenges to starting their home inspection business and likely one of the biggest is learning to write quality inspection reports. Choosing a report writing software that suits your style and communication objectives is paramount, but it is difficult as there are many systems and most leave something to be desired and none of them write the report for you. You have to learn how to write quality reports that inform your client and keep you out of trouble. The ideal report serves as the best marketing you can create for your business and acts as a blueprint for helping your client care for and maintain their house.
When it comes to starting to write home inspection reports, new home inspectors face several challenges:
- If you are like most people, you likely have not done much writing in a long time… maybe since high school or college? Remember that writing, even if you are employing software to assist you, is a muscle. If you do not use your writing-brain, it atrophies. One of the most important things you can do as a new home inspector is to write lots of reports and start developing that writing and communication part of your brain. Regular practice will help and your improved writing skills can be employed to write blogs, educate consumers and real estate agents, and grow your business. This is something that takes time and is best practiced daily.
- The other problem new inspectors face is, they do not have inspections they can practice on. This blog is designed to help newer home inspectors by providing a one-stop solution for honing and practicing your craft.
This Blog Provides Free Tools to Help you Practice Your Craft
First, I have included a link to a free trial of the best home inspection software on the market. You can download this for free and you get 10 free reports to practice and learn.
Second, I have included a link to a finished report on this house. The report is not perfect but gives you an idea what a finished report could look like when you are done.
Read a Sample Report for This House Here
Third, I have included a link to some YouTube training videos that give you tips and tricks for using ScribeWare home inspection software. These videos will help you master this software quickly and easily.
Watch Helpful Demonstration Videos Here
I hope this blog and its associated links gives you a tool and an opportunity to practice your new craft. If you find this information helpful, you can like our Facebook page and our YouTube Channel. You can also shoot us an email to let us know how we are doing and get alerts to free webinars, software developments and other home inspection training.