ScribeWare Sample Inspection Reports

We can talk about software features forever, but ultimately the proof is in the inspection report. We’re so confident about the high-quality reports that can be created by ScribeWare that we’re happy to share a few sample reports with you. Take a browse, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

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Sample Home Inspection Reports

We’ve built our home inspection report software to produce reports that wow clients… but that also are endlessly customizable for the needs of inspectors in different regions and with different inspection styles. These sample inspection reports were chosen to show the flexibility and quality of the ScribeWare report.

ScribeWare Standard Narrative Template

Built by ScribeWare founder and long-time inspector Dylan Chalk, this is a longer narrative-style report. It uses bulleted observations to handle multiple defects with the same system, and smaller comments for simple systems. Note the use of the all-caps blue titles to make the summary page easy to glance through. This template can be used for almost any job, from consults to commercial inspections, and is included with ScribeWare for those who want a detailed northern climate zone template.

ScribeWare Standard Checkbox Template

This is based on a checkbox template but includes short narratives. This will work in any climate zone, and we offer a room-by-room or system-by-system version. It’s the quickest and easiest template to get started with.

ScribeWare Standard Photo Captions Workflow Template

This report by Scriber Mike Lagana shows a warm climate zone sample that has been customized from the ScribeWare default template designed around a photo caption-driven workflow. The idea is to boil your workflow down to clicking boxes to describe a building, and taking pictures and captioning them for your narrative comments. This template shows how quickly one can move over to ScribeWare using this template.

Extremely detailed Charles Buell Report (PNW)

Charlie is a legend in the inspection industry for raising the bar on the level of detail he provides in a home inspection. This report is more like a consulting report. This is a great read for anyone looking for report-writing tips and ideas. The whole package may be too much for most, but everyone can learn something from a report like this. While his business model is not one many would hope to replicate, his template is for sale and is a living encyclopedia of all that one should know.

Mid-West Regional Report

Built by Christoper Chirafisi of Dwell MKE (a primary AHIT instructor), this report has been done using Chris’ personal template. Note the use of short narratives and checkboxes.

Jeff Lisse Sample Report (Illinois and Indiana)

Notice the use of the State Standards of Practice (SOP) in the boilerplate section as well as the innovative use of the gunnysack comments. In this sample report, Jeff has placed the state standards of practice right into the boilerplate at the beginning of the report. Jeff has put a ton of work into making Illinois and Indiana-specific templates and an amazing job building out sophisticated gunnysack comments. Feel free to contact Jeff if you want to purchase his original content.

Ben Hendricks Report Sample (Mid-West)

Ben is an industry leader in the Mid-West region and has written some fabulous blogs – you should see some of his stuff on manufactured stone veneer siding and kickout flashings. Ben uses custom CSS for the header look of the report. Note the use of safety item modifiers.

Multi-Family Inspection Report

This sample includes an example of having one chapter/unit for a multi-family inspection. This is based on the default narrative template but the chapter at the bottom for multi-family has been employed and copied 8 times to handle this 8-Plex.

Florida Regional Report (with Wind Mitigation Report)

Built by John Shishilla of Honor Services, this report includes a wind mitigation report PDF, created in ScribeWare and attached. This is an example of a clean, boiled-down, report. The summary reads like a punch list, straight and to the point. Excellent use of photos. Includes a wind mit report.

TREC Compliant Report Sample (Texas)

This report from Scriber Mike in Austin shows a TREC-compliant inspection report. Hit the Official TREC PDF, and you’ll see that it matches REI 7-6. ScribeWare tools like inspector-only notes allow you to build out lists of checkboxes for quick access to comments without messing up the required TREC form.

Wisconsin Compliant Report Sample (WI)

Recent changes to Wisconsin home inspection standards require specific modifiers on the summary page. We’re one of the only report-writing platforms that is fully compliant right out of the box. This sample is Chris Christafisi’s template, which is available if you contact him here, but ScribeWare comes with a basic WI template as well.

InterNATCHI Template

The Scribeware InterNACHI Template was meticulously crafted by the super-experienced Kaylynn Rice out of Kentucky and Indiana. It includes comprehensive CYA statements, essential code requirements, abundant gunny sacks, and hot links to the most common defects. Available with your subscription, it’s a great starting place for InterNACHI inspectors.

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Sample RV Inspection Reports

Our RV inspection reports are built from a template designed specifically for the needs and requirements of RV Inspections. They support motorhome, travel trailer, toy hauler, and external kitchen inspections.

Class A Motorhome Sample RV Inspection Report

This is an example of an after-dealer Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) on a new Class A MotorHome.

Toy Hauler Travel Trailer Sample RV Inspection Report

This is an inspection of a used 5th Wheel Travel Trailer with a toy hauler garage, as well as a bathroom with a sink and toilet in the garage.

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Sample Sewer Inspection Reports

Sewer scope inspection reports are all about media: the videos and photos you include to show clients the state of their sewer system. Our sewer scope report sample shows how easy it is to integrate photos and video into the body of the report.

New Jersey Sewer Report

A nicely representative report from our friends NJ Sewer Scopes in New Jersey. Note the use of streaming video and still photos.

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Sample UK Residential Surveyor Reports

Built by an experienced team in the UK, our ScribeWare UK survey software supports the specific needs of the UK residential survey market. They comply with all RICS, RPSA, and CABE standards.

Standard Home Survey Template

A comprehensive residential building report designed for Level 1 – 3 surveys specifically created to help you meet the current UK and global standards. 

Valuation Report Sample Survey

 A complete independent market assessment survey designed to help you meet the updated global standards for registered valuers.  

Specific Defect Report Sample Survey

This sample report shows how simple and effective ScribeWare is for limited surveys, such as damp, roof, or drainage surveys.

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Sample EEE Inspection Reports

You asked, and we answered: we developed Scribeware EEE to address the unique needs created by California’s new balcony inspection regulations. They are living web documents that update automatically and can be accessed at any time by QR code.

Standard ScribeWare Balcony Report

Note the standards of practice inserted into the boilerplate so the scope and standards used in your inspections are right at the front of the report. The template can be adjusted so all of your data collection can be done via a mobile application on-site. Reports can be printed to a PDF and stamped with an engineer stamp. Re-inspections can be easily handled so construction procedures and repairs can be documented from your phone.

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