1. Eliminate Earth to Wood Contact
Care should be taken to keep beauty bark, earth and gravel at least 6″ from the bottom course of exterior siding and trim. Earth to wood contact is the easiest way for insects to enter the structure, and keeping a minimum 6″ gap will eliminate conditions conducive to wood destroying organisms. Where soil is in contact with the siding or trim, the dirt, gravel, or debris should be pulled away from the building so that the wood is clear of contact and unencumbered.
2. Ensure A Positive Slope Away From The Structure
The grounds around structures should be sloped away from the foundation so that water is directed away from the foundation during heavy rains. This is often called a positive slope and it can reduce risks of water leakage at the interior or settling of the foundation. A slight slope is often adequate to get water away from the foundation but sometimes this positive slope is difficult to achieve on hilly sites or tightly landscaped areas. Negative grading is a common shortcoming on older buildings where proper site work was neglected during the original build. Ensuring a positive slope away from the structure is one of the best ways to prevent moisture control problems around a building.
3. Use Swales Where Needed