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Is ScribeWare right for me?

With so many home inspection report-writing software systems to choose from, how can you tell if the ScribeWare system is right for you?  This blog will help you decide if this is the product you wish to feature as the cornerstone of your home inspection business.

Your report is the key to your business Screen Shot 2016-01-21 at 9.35.29 AM

As a home inspector, your report is the only thing that should remain after you are done with your job. You could be the greatest inspector in the world and have the best communications skills with your clients, but if you deliver a marginal report, your reputation will never live up to the quality of your service.

In addition, your company is at greater risk for conflicts and lawsuits as poor quality reports are more likely to lead to confusion on the part of your client and confusion can start down the road to questioning the service you provided and then the loss of trust that leads to the ever-dreaded phone call complaint.

With the ScribeWare system, you will deliver critical information to your client in an easy-to-read report. While a home inspection software system cannot guarantee that you uncover every problem in a house or report the problems flawlessly, the ScribeWare system will ensure that you present yourself in a professional manner that helps you earn the trust of your real estate community.  

When what remains of your work is a beautiful, well-written descriptive report, you have happier clients who refer back to you again and again and think of you first for future home purchases.   

Use of Boilerplate Disclaimer

The ScribeWare system was designed to be the showcase of an inspection business. Rather than hiding behind reams of boilerplate disclaimers and checkboxes, the ScribeWare system is designed to allow important information to come to the surface in a well-organized and good-looking report.  

ScribeWare Compared to the Full Narrative Report

Scribeware photo report page showing exterior details with comments
ScribeWare photo report page

Compared to a full narrative report, where the condition of the house is described in a long form, story-like essay, the ScribeWare report allows the client much easier access to information. The critical details required by state and national standards is not buried in long narrative sentences within the description, but instead is presented using simple bullet points. This allows the more critical observations to stand out while the description settles into the background.

ScribeWare Compared to Checkboxes Screen Shot 2016-01-21 at 9.49.42 AM

The ScribeWare system is a mostly narrative home inspection report and it does not employ confusing checkboxes. This has many distinct advantages over other report-writing systems.   The only information that appears in the report is that which is relevant to the home being inspected.   This results in a clear, concise report with descriptive information around the issues your clients truly care about.

Software Interface

We wanted to have a software system that was so easy to use, that directions were simply not needed. ScribeWare is that simple to use. Writing great reports does not have to be confusing or overly time-consuming. You can learn to interface with the ScribeWare system right out of the box. For a simple demonstration video please see:


ScribeWare is designed to be highly customizable to the needs of your business.    Only you know what’s best for your business, and we’re here to help.  Just shoot us an email at,  and we’ll be happy to set up a consultation to see how we can help!


Dylan Chalk is the owner of Seattle-based Orca Inspection Services LLC – He is the founder of ScribeWare inspection report software offering innovative and simple report-writing solutions – He is also the author of The Confident House Hunter – a book to teach home buyers how to look at and understand houses: Cedar Fort Press Due out August 2016 –

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